The Rise and Decline of a Medieval Manor
Today, in times of fading borders and challenged national identity, this book celebrates a
treasured feature of English Heritage.
Domestic rebellions and foreign wars, the king’s rule, murder, traitors and execution, crippling debt, arranged marriages of young heirs and heiresses, avoidance of taxes, medieval decrees of inheritance, the black death and famine. All that and more can be found in a fascinating new book based on the author's meticulous research.
While his first book, The Watford Knight’s Fee, will satisfy serious students and enthusiasts of medieval English history, this, his second book, Give a Manor Take a Manor
opens the door to everyone. A time machine takes the reader along a fascinating and sometimes wobbly journey with the lords of the manor through 700 years – including, unique in English history, one family for 500 years.
Welcome to the world of manors in medieval England!