ISBN #978-1789556889
7th November 2019
“Give a Manor Take a Manor: The Rise and Decline of a Medieval Manor” by Murray Johnston is published
An account of a manorial estate in Medieval England
Today, in times of fading borders and challenged national identity, this book celebrates a treasured feature of English Heritage.
“Give a Manor Take a Manor” is available to purchase in hardback from Amazon UK at:
This well-researched book is also available to purchase in paperback at:
The e-book and audiobook versions of this book will also be released soon.
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Excerpt from the book:
(From Part 1)
“Eustace III: The Rebel
In his later years, King John saw a transition of the Watford manor to Eustace III. His father died well-advanced in years, so Eustace III was no youngster, long since ‘of age’. Although not destined to be lord of Watford for long, Eustace lived through one of the most tumultuous times in English history – the First Baron’s War and the Magna Carta…
John de Ardern, brother of Eustace III, was disappointed to find that the 7 virgates in Watford given to him in his father’s lifetime were mortgaged. His father, Eustace II, had given John’s inheritance as security for a loan from the Jews of Northampton. Eustace II paid 70 shillings annually to the king’s exchequer for the debt, and now the same obligation lay on John’s shoulders. Unfortunately, like his father he was short of cash. Instead, John provided a horse for the king’s use as substitute for his father’s annual payment of 70s, and so the king granted John his lands…
The First Barons War commenced when the barons attacked but failed to take Northampton Castle. Nonetheless, they proceeded to successfully take London. King John was forced to attach his great seal to the Magna Carta in June 1215. But John set aside the Great Charter and the war with the barons continued. Many of the barons, including supporters such as Eustace de Watford, were cast adrift by the king due to their allegiance to the rebel cause.”
Review : ***** on Amazon
Feudalism and the Lord of the manor
November 10, 2019
Format: Paperback
This is a detailed account of the landholdings and financial vagaries of different manorial estate in Medieval England.
Well-researched and historically accurate, this book reminds Brits of their wonderful rich cultural heritage which includes nobility, family inheritance and wealth distribution, the importance of arranged marriages between rich families, the machinations of tax collectors during the trouble times of beheadings, domestic and foreign battles, murder plots and assassinations, the bubonic plague and famine just outside the castle walls.
This book is like a who's who of real-life Game of Thrones type characters, all engaged in a manorial power struggle between fiefdoms and family territory passed down through the generations.
If you want to read about a lord's demesne and of lands within which he has the right to exercise certain privileges, exact certain fees, etc., this book is your guide. It reflects historical seignorialism at its finest.